Common Law Association of Notaries – Webinar – A brief update on the HCCH and presentation of ongoing work on the Apostille Convention

Dear Notaries

You may have seen a SAVE THE DATE notice in the recent edition of Notary World of the upcoming C.L.A.N webinar which will be presented by Dr Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General, and his colleagues of HCCH, The Hague.

Registration are now open.  Please see link:  Webinar – A brief update on the HCCH and presentation of ongoing work on the Apostille Convention

The webinar will be hosted by Leo Mangan and the Faculty of Notaries Public in Ireland.

Please note that you must register.  As this webinar is live at an inconvenient time for NZ notaries, an email, with a link to the recording of the webinar, will be sent to all registrants shortly after the live Webinar which is 1pm 12 May Dublin time.

I attach the flyer with further details.

Kind regards

Tracey Merlini